
Are your customers really getting a true look of your business every day? Do you sometimes confuse them? Are you creating a consistent and clear message to your customers in regards to their perception of your business.

This past Friday, I was running some errands and walked inside two different businesses and noticed the people working that day were obviously not dressed as usual and the employee’s appearance looked out of place. Then I realized it must be “Casual Friday”. Since it happened in two different businesses, I thought it might be a good time to review a previous “Magic Minute” regarding my thoughts on this subject. Here it is! 

 I recently walked inside a bank on a Friday to cash a check. I noticed almost immediately when entering the lobby that the employee’s appearance looked out of place. It is pretty standard when walking inside a typical bank to experience a professional atmosphere and environment. This day was different. On this Friday, the bank staff males were wearing khaki pants, golf shirts and celebrating “Casual Friday”. 

Now this practice is not new. I must tell you I am not a big fan of such programs. Why do businesses have programs like this? What is its purpose? Does it accomplish what is meant to do? Usually when I ask a manager or business why they allow their employees to dress casually on these days their typical response is; “It helps build morale around here and my employees love it! You can tell that they like it because their attitudes around the office are better.” 

I have no doubt that employees would love to wear casual clothing but what concerns me is what do your customers think? Do they get better service on Fridays because the staff is more helpful and friendly? Should we wait until Fridays to get the best service and do business with you? On other days of the week are their attitudes different and do you allow them to provide poor service? I hope not. Let me ask you this question. Are your customers any different on Fridays than any other day of the week?  Would you agree that customers deserve the best possible service every day? Shouldn’t  your staff always be best dressed with the best attitude and provide a great customer experience no matter what day of the week or what they wear? Think about how your customer experience and first impressions could be compromised by a “Casual Friday” program.

The choice of course is yours but here are a few tips to follow if you have such a program.

It is all about creating a magical experience to our customers, no matter what day it is. Make sure ever day becomes a “Magical Experience”

Always Wishing You Magical Success!