I think everyone will agree that 2020 has presented challenges for all of us, not the least of which is wondering if businesses and our lives will ever return to normal. It’s been tough sometimes to be grateful for much, considering what is happening all around us. But I read an article written by one of my favorite mentors and author, Harvey Mackay and I wanted to share some of his thoughts with you as well. Harvey shared this statement from someone he spoke about in the article.
“Yes, I know it feels like so much has been taken from us. But there’s still plenty to be thankful for. Start by finding joy in small things. Think of all that you have instead of wishing for what you don’t have.”
Harvey’s point is simple: If you are not grateful for what you have, it is doubtful you will be grateful for what you will get.
As many of you know, I am a very positive person with the glass always being half full rather than half empty. However, I’ll be open and admit, that after a while during this pandemic, it started to take a toll on me and my positive attitude. I needed an attitude adjustment, so I started listing all what I was grateful for rather than what I didn’t have. I just kept going. My list was getting pretty long and most of the items were not unfortunate issues or material things at all. Most on the list was about my family, friends, people, clients, events and experiences in my life. I have a lot to be grateful for, even during these challenging times.
Try making a similar list yourself. Start looking for little things that you can appreciate about your life, your family, your health, your friends, your pets, your business, your job, your fellow team mates and coworkers, your favorite customers, your boss, your surroundings and all of nature’s beauty.
Although we all celebrate Thanksgiving as a special holiday you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to show your gratitude and appreciation. There’s something to be grateful for every morning you wake up. Challenge yourself to greet each day with an attitude of gratitude.
“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions,” said Zig Ziglar. “The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”
That list alone should provide the opportunity to look for reasons to be grateful for what you have. And remember, where you are isn’t where you have to stay. As you ponder the things that you are thankful for, you can also look forward to how you can use those gifts to move to the level where you want to be.
Maybe your job or business isn’t as challenging or fulfilling that you’d like it to be. But think about all the professional and business experience and developed people skills that you gained which could lead you to take on more responsibility, grow your relationships and network or provide you with opportunities in the future. That kind of education is a reason for gratitude, especially when you should be grateful that your current job is helping you to pay the bills with a little left over.
Tell the people and family around you how grateful you are for their roles in your life? It doesn’t need to be flowery or formal, just make it sincere. You might be surprised at how they respond. Maybe no one has ever told them they’ve made a difference. Now here’s the bonus: not only have you given them a boost, but you’ve also affected your own attitude of gratitude. Saying thank you out loud has real rewards. It doesn’t have to be face-to-face either. The old-fashioned hand-written thank-you note is still very powerful.
Start looking around for reasons to be grateful. It won’t take long, and it won’t cost you anything. You are responsible for your own happiness and attitude.
This year has brought times of happiness and tests of strength for many of us, but there is much to be thankful for. I am grateful and thank you for being part of my “Magic Minute” community. I truly appreciate your time to read them and the positive comments your provide. Here’s to more “Magic Moments” in the next coming year. I wish you a Happy, Healthy and Magical Thanksgiving!