I recently had a conversation with one of my coaching clients who asked the question: “How can we achieve an edge and advantage in order to retain customers and not have them jump to the competition.” A very wise  question since keeping existing customers is five times less expensive than finding new ones.

I asked my client how engaged her staff was in regards to creating a better customer experience. I then shared why an engaged staff is the most competitive advantage that a small business can have. About 70% of customers’s buying decisions are based on positive human interactions. The bottom line is that people buy from people not businesses. So your people, when and how they engage with customers are your secret weapon.

When people are engaged in their work and feel a deep connection to it, they will deliver a Magical Customer Experience. A Magical Customer Experience creates satisfied and loyal customers and ultimately increase profits. Think of the times when you’ve gone shopping or to a restaurant and were engaged with the staff who were visibly excited to be in their jobs and serving you. Perhaps their words or energy jumped out of their hearts and appreciated your business. They probably surprised you with their extra efforts, thoughtfulness and satisfying your needs and wants. In fact, they were actually happy to do it!

Now consider how you felt when you left, these businesses. Did you have an urge to buy more than you planned? Were you more likely to return? Did you recommend these businesses to friends, coworkers and family? You probably answered “Yes” to some of those questions. There is your proof that engaged employees will make any business more money.

Some people are naturally in the right role and their hearts are in their work. I show leaders how to be more effective in bringing out the best qualities of all of their people. I provide them the coaching that will invest in time, energy and resources to engage their people because engaged employees are more likely to:

  • Stay with a business longer
  • Perform at higher levels
  • Influence others to perform well
  • Promote the business to others
  • Deliver a “Magical Customer Experience”

So how engaged are your employees or team? Need help in creating a “Whistle While You Work” customer engaging team environment? Contact me today. When you learn how to actively engage people to deliver “Magical Customer Experiences”, like Disney, you begin a powerful and self-reinforcing customer experience cycle that builds value and profits in your business. This creates a unique and sustainable competitive advantage for any business. Now that would be Magical!