How many businesses do you know treat their employees as well as their customers? In fact, do you take your employees for granted? We all have worked for companies in our lifetime that took us for granted and how de-motivating was that for you? Are you that kind of business or boss?
When I speak to audiences and leaders, I share with them that in any small business, your employees are your business. Companies, big or small have to learn that when they focus time, attention and resources on their employees, their business will thrive. But sometimes that message takes a while to get through.
Many businesses spend a lot of time talking about financial performance but financial performance is the by product of having great people. Much of the credit for growth in any small business is the implementation of focusing on your employees and building an engaging vibrant business culture. Building an employee focused culture has to be a priority.
The Disney Company is known for their above and beyond customer experience. Much of that comes from how they treat their employees. Walt Disney said it best: “If you take good care of your employees they will take good care of your customers.” Even Richard Branson, the billionaire founder of many businesses including Virgin Atlantic Airlines, credits much of his success on “Customers come second, employees first.” approach.
Here are a few tips to build a culture around employees come first:
- Allow learning and training opportunities all year long. Not just when you think there is a need.
- Ask for their input on policies, customer initiatives, marketing, pricing, financials, rewards, etc.
- Keep your employees informed of what is going on in your business.
- Make it a habit to spend time walking around speaking with your employees each day, especially catching them doing things right.
- When coaching an employee for performance issues, ask them what they are going to do to improve to create ownership of the problem.
- Plan fun events, outings and recognition programs.
- Have surprise appreciations and celebrations.
- Make the day and work fun!
Happy, motivated employees create loyal customers and unhappy customers can ruin the customer experience of any business. If you want to build a successful business, be committed to your employees and they will build your bottom line. Now that will be Magical!