We all have experienced situations where the service, product or experience did not meet our expectations. In fact, many of these experiences were just awful and certainly left a bad taste in our mouth.  So much so, that we would never return, buy again and make sure we tell others to do the same.

What most businesses don’t realize is that things will go wrong.  Customers don’t expect you to be perfect all the time. However, customers do expect you to fix the problem, offer a solution and show that you care when things do go wrong.

Many of my business clients that I work with, tell me that they or their staff dread having to deal with customer challenges or complaints. They put off contacting and speaking to the customer, avoiding any confrontation in hope that the customer will just forget about it and move on. The problem is that if the issue or situation is not handled correctly or resolve, the customer will move on- to your competition.

The key when you have a service breakdown is to handle it fast, add massive value, give an incentive for the customer to come back and follow up.  When you have a service breakdown,  how fast and how well you recover is most important.  In fact, every second counts. The faster you run to upset customers instead of running away from them, the more likely they are to have an open mind to the solution.

Here are my four magical service recovery strategies that I teach my clients:

  • Offer a deep and sincere apology for the problem or situation
  • Provide and offer a quick solution
  • Make the delivery of the solution magical by exceeding the expectations
  • Follow up to make sure everything is okay

The truth is that no business owner, manager or employee likes to deal with problems or situations that upset customers.  It certainly isn’t fun. However, focus on the solution and making the customer happy rather than the problem. If you show that you care and put the customer first, there is a good chance the customer will come back. Yes, even when things go wrong.  Now that is magical!