Although it has been over 30 years since I first joined the Disney Company, I still remember the introduction to the Disney culture that I received starting on the very first day I arrived. It was powerful. Many of my clients are facing the challenges of employees leaving or failing to live up to the customer focused culture that they want from their employees.

When I first begin to work with my clients and their teams, to see what is going on, I often find that some of the business owners, managers or HR folks take the new hire process for granted. Many are so happy to have a warm body starting that they neglect to see how important the first few days on the job (on-boarding) will effect the new hire experience.

What does your new hire process look like? Do you take it for granted or do you set your new hire up to succeed? Here are some strategies that I learned and took away from my powerful Disney experience that you can implement in your business too!

  • PLAN AHEAD – New hire orientation begins on Day 1. Many businesses will start employees on any day of the month that is convenient to the new employee and their manager. If possible, set aside specific starting dates each month that is just for new hire orientation.  Make orientation the employees’ first day of employment. Don’t allow them to start their normal job duties until they have completed this important process.
  • PREPARE – Have available everything the new employee needs on Day 1. Name badges, uniforms, parking passes, office space, telephones, computers with passwords or any other tools or equipment an employee needs should be set up and ready to go on the first day.
  • TEACH – Use Day 1 to teach the important elements of your organizational or business culture. Orientation is where these elements come to life, through story telling, examples and real life situations demonstrating the culture. 
  • REVIEW – A great time to review job roles and performance expectations. Especially those that were discussed during the interview and selection process. This will assure the new hire will be able to contribute quickly to your goals.
  • PRESENT – Have the employee’s training schedule available whether it is one day or one month available on Day 1. This will tell the employee what to expect in the process and they don’t have wonder what they will learn and when.
  • TOUR – Connect the new hire with a buddy or conduct a group tour of your business. Tell the story from the beginning. I once helped one of my clients develop an orientation virtual tour video for their new hires. It was filmed like you were taking a walk or driving tour showing the company’s first store with spliced in old footage of the original owners on opening day. We included results from their present and past customers of their mission and purpose being demonstrated. It also included, interviews with satisfied customers and fellow employees sharing their testimonials. 

By the way, the video was created by the front line staff, who happened to be awesome technically at doing it. They also took ownership with pride while doing it. After watching the orientation video, the new hire had a better understanding and emotional connection to their new job and company.

A good start to a new job is a great way to immerse your new hires into the culture of your company. Some businesses are so desperate to put people to work that they overlook this critical and important step in the new hire process. Take the time to set your new hire up for success from the start. Their early participation and engagement  will strengthen your culture and the results will surely be Magical! Contact me if you need help.