We all know that this pandemic has really affected small business in all communities. With the many locked downs and Covid-19 restrictions in place, it has been very difficult for small businesses in your community to survive. Small businesses are the very fabric that make your community and towns unique, special and profitable.  Buying local helps sustain and grow jobs too. Part of what makes your community unique is your business vitality which is due in part to those small businesses.

As we approach the close of the year, small businesses can still use a boost, and most consumers are in a position to provide that support. Here are a few recommendations for shoppers to support locally owned businesses in these last days before Christmas. 

  1. Spread the word! After you make a purchase, share the item, along with other business promotions on social media. 
  2. Most small businesses, whether they provide goods or services, have a gift card option. Call and make a purchase in that capacity. A great way if you are not able to give gifts in person this year.
  3. Remember that most things are available locally. If you’re online shopping, try to think of ways to purchase those items within your city or county.
  4. Be mindful of the fact that local business owners give back. These are the folks we go to when we need a donation or sponsorship. They’re paying taxes to your local community too. Think of it as supporting those who are supporting you.
  5. Incorporate small businesses into the gift of giving during the pandemic. If you’re paying a visit to a friend or relative who can’t get out themselves, supporting a local restaurant is a great way to make the occasion a little more special. Purchase a meal for pickup, and take it to somebody who is feeling a little isolated this year.

A gentrifier's guide to not ruining the neighborhood | BLAVITY

Remember that in this time of social distancing, all it takes is a website click or a phone call to practice most of these options. If we all do are part to support our local business community we can survive and maybe even thrive in today’s challenging times. Now that would be Magical! Happy Shopping!